14 April 2009

JOHN GRANDE 'Glamour and Gloom'

John Grande Challenger, 2006,
Oil on canvas canvas, 92x68"

John Grande is here preparing for his Solo Exhibition Opening this Saturday.

JOHN GRANDE 'Glamour and Gloom'
in Gallery One
April 18 – May 13 , 2009
Opening Reception: Saturday April 18, 6 - 9pm

Grande’s approach to painting is influenced by high fashion photographers such as Annie Liebowitz, with whom the artist worked as a printmaker for years. His doll-like subjects are rendered in high relief with dramatic light and dark contrasts,reflecting both innocence and idealistic beauty as well as eluding to underlying chaos and mystery. Inspired by life and the consequences of its destruction, Grande’s paintings touch on enigmas of sexual culture and stereotypes while investigating the connection between art and fashion.

John Grande Imminent Danger, 2007,
Oil on canvas canvas, 16x21"